Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trailer Trash. #2 The Raven

I wanted to like this movie...then about 40 seconds into this trailer I realized why I will hate this movie...it's ok- I'll wait

This movie is dark and mysterious. There is murder and intrigue. The inspector seems real cool and shit...and then you see John Cusack as Edgar Allen Poe...(pause)...(swallow)


Around 40 seconds in you see him for the first time and he is just dreadful. I suppose he looks like Poe but unless he is either going to have a witty monologue about how much of a loser he is or he is being ironic in some fashion i don't want to see him in a movie...

There! I said it!

In terms of the movie itself- The idea of turning Edgar Allen Poe into an action hero is just...what's the word...dumb! yep- that's the word. Dumb.

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